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Image by Jon Flobrant

npAutomate - Business Process Automation for Nonprofits

About Our Business

At npAutomate, we understand what makes a nonprofit unique.  Our years of experience working with nonprofits and technology uniquely positions our team to ensure our customers maximize social impact, through optimization of people, process, and technology.  

Our team of experts is ready to help you develop strategies and solutions through business process automation.  Give us a call today to set up your first consultation.

About: About

Barton Dyson


Hi! I’m Barton Dyson, founder of npAutomate. npAutomate develops technology that is hyper-focused on solving nonprofit and foundation business requirements, leveraging platforms that you are using today.

Over the last 22 years, I’ve seen how the right technology can improve processes at nonprofit organizations. More recently, digital transformation and “moving to the cloud” has opened up enormous new opportunities to improve every process within the organization. Whether the process is related to finding revenue, managing complex grants, expense management, or restricted funds, the most complex and unique workflow processes can now be incrementally, and in some cases dramatically enhanced.

Historically, process improvement involved expensive consulting and programming assistance… which is why most organizations lean heavily on tools like Excel to fill in the gaps. But “moving to the cloud” changed everything and technology now empowers YOU to make a difference, with a little help from npAutomate.

If you’d like to discuss opportunities for automation at your organization, call me at 843.343.3579

or email:

About: Team
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